Specs, capabilities:
- Monochromated, high-brightness Schottky X-FEG electron source
- Flexible operation at accelerating voltages ranging from 80 to 300 keV
- TEM point-to-point resolution of 0.08 nm
- STEM point-to-point resolution of 0.136 nm
- Gatan OneView 4k CCD camera with in-situ upgrade enabling high-spatial- and high-temporal-resolution data collection
- 4K x 4K @ 25 FPS
- 2K x 2K @ 100 FPS
- 1K x 1K @ 200 FPS
- 512 x 512 @ 300 FPS
- High-angle annular dark field (HAADF), annular dark field (ADF), and bright field (BF) STEM detectors enable flexible imaging conditions
- Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) with 2k x 2k CCD for sub-0.2 eV energy-resolution electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS), energy-filtered TEM imaging (EF-TEM) and STEM spectrum imaging.
- Windowless EDAX Octane Elite T 70 mm2 XEDS system fully integrated within Gatan’s GMS software enabling spatially-resolved, quantitative chemical characterization over a wide range of materials
- Gatan STEMx 4D-STEM data acquisition system
- Automated TEM and STEM tomography data collection workflows
- Lorentz-mode TEM and STEM for magnetic domain analysis
- Protochips Axon Synchronicity real-time drift correction
Highlighted Techniques:
- 4D-STEM enables mapping of crystallographic properties at the nanometer-scale, applications include:
- High-precision strain mapping with patterned probe apertures
- Automated Crystallographic Orientation Mapping (under development)
- Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) imaging
- Monochromated-STEM-EELS enables the mapping of bonding/oxidation states at sub‑nanometer resolution
- Drift-free, atomic resolution, in situ experimentation