Analyzing actinide-containing materials from major components down to trace impurities — spanning over seven orders of magnitude of chemical analysis capabilities
Stockpile Support
Stockpile stewardship is the Laboratory’s core mission. In the absence of underground testing, analytical chemistry of plutonium is one of the most important tools available for ensuring the safety, security, and reliability of the nuclear stockpile. C-AAC provides qualified analytical measurement capabilities to certify the chemical composition of Lab-built plutonium pits for diamond-stamped product acceptance.
Safeguards Measurements
Safeguards require precise analytical chemistry to support control of accountable and special nuclear materials. This effort overlaps somewhat with nuclear forensics in its objective to detect and deter the malicious diversion and use of nuclear materials.
Threat Reduction
C-AAC collaborates with international colleagues to detect and prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, decommission excess weapons plutonium, and fabricate and certify Certified Reference Materials. The threat reduction mission depends heavily on analytical chemistry to detect proliferation activities.
Controlled Potential Coulometry
Material Recovery and Recycling
Nuclear Forensics
Actinide Assay
Trace Element Analysis
Mass Spectrometry
X-Ray Fluorescence
Particle Characterization
Surface Characterization