• Sigma
  • Organizations
  • View Organizations
  • Weapons Engineering
  • Engineering Services
  • Infrastructure & Capital Projects
  • Physical Sciences
  • Chemical, Earth and Life Sciences
  • Advanced Computational Geosciences Initiative
  • Space Hazards Induced Near Earth by Large Dynamic Storms
  • Intelligence and Space Research
  • Nuclear Engineering and Nonproliferation
  • Laboratory Directed Research and Development
  • Operations (DDOPS)Plutonium Facilities Engineering
  • Detonator Production
  • Weapons Production
  • Analytics, Intelligence, and Technology
  • X Computational Physics
  • Electron Microscopy Lab
  • National Criticality Experiments Research Center
  • Radiation Protection
  • Plutonium InfrastructureFire Protection OfficeX Theoretical DesignWeapons Research Services
  • Safeguards and Security Technology Training Program
  • Materials and components for our nation’s nuclear and energy security

    Developing materials and components using engineering and metallurgical science in support of national security.

    Sigma Division is dedicated to providing outstanding engineering solutions using metallurgical science to enable the Lab's mission for supporting and improving national security. Utilizing world class expertise and innovation, we are focused on leading the way in manufacturing science related to nuclear weapons, nuclear fuels, ferrous alloys, refractory metals, and a variety of non-metallic materials.

    Our goal is to provide excellent customer service that meets manufacturing needs on schedule and in budget. Our diverse teams work with the national security complex and industry customers, bringing a wide range of experience to the table to meet any need from concept and process development to fabricated and finished products.

    Making a mark in manufacturing and materials science

    Learn more about Sigma Division.