• Bioscience
  • Organizations
  • View Organizations
  • Weapons Engineering
  • Engineering Services
  • Infrastructure & Capital Projects
  • Physical Sciences
  • Chemical, Earth and Life Sciences
  • Advanced Computational Geosciences Initiative
  • Space Hazards Induced Near Earth by Large Dynamic Storms
  • Intelligence and Space Research
  • Nuclear Engineering and Nonproliferation
  • Laboratory Directed Research and Development
  • Operations (DDOPS)Plutonium Facilities Engineering
  • Detonator Production
  • Weapons Production
  • Analytics, Intelligence, and Technology
  • X Computational Physics
  • Electron Microscopy Lab
  • National Criticality Experiments Research Center
  • Radiation Protection
  • Plutonium InfrastructureFire Protection OfficeX Theoretical DesignWeapons Research Services
  • Safeguards and Security Technology Training Program
  • Mission-driven science and innovation to protect the nation from biological, chemical, and environmental threats.

    Bioscience Division comprises a diverse group of experimentalists and computer scientists who work closely with other interdisciplinary scientists across the Laboratory and beyond.

    Our work serves the nation by developing science and technology to reduce natural and deliberate biological and chemical threats to human and animal populations, their way of life, and the global environment. 

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    From biosecurity preparedness to seeking solutions to climate and clean energy challenges, our scientists are:

    • Improving vaccine and therapeutics development
    • Developing analytics and machine learning for disease characterization and biosurveillance
    • Researching how organisms function and interact through microbiome analyses and integrated multi-omics
    • Using next generation genomics and microbial ecology to evaluate nutrient cycling and plant productivity
    • Creating competitive methods for sustainability through biomanufacturing and biofuels development
    • Inventing new approaches for bio and chem threat detection and characterization
    • Designing bioengineered organ platform for toxicology analysis and more
    • Studying antimicrobial resistance and host-pathogen interactions
    • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on disease emergence


    R&D 100 Smart Microbial Cell Technology
    R&D 100 Smart Microbial Cell Technology

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    Bioscience Division